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the 'Focus Meditation' for free



Energetic Alignment

Book an Appointment

This is a series of 12 specific Energy treatments and the process will be discussed with the client before they embark on this journey. 


It is a comprehensive pathway of healing for the body and its energy structure. The body is designed for growth, health and happiness.


The best way to describe the purpose of this process is to liken it to the old fashion telephone exchange, when all the plugs are in their right positions and functioning properly, the connection is clear and sustainable.


We may not be aware of where our blockages or disconnections may be held, all that we may be aware of is that life is not as we would like it to be. 


Within these sequenced sessions, the 12 key areas of the subtle energy field are reconnected, fortified, cleared and aligned to develop a more natural way of operating for each person.


The aim of Energetic Alignment is to allow you to operate from the grounded, connected, intuitive ‘real you’.


Energetic Alignment usually takes 3 months to complete as typically a person enjoys one session per week. They are asked to keep a diary of their experience and often asked to take before and after photos to witness their journey.


The experience is like having a light massage. They are 1 hour sessions.




“Thank you so much for unleashing this power, this drive, this focus, all this!” (E.L)


“The energetic alignment series was the best investment in myself. Six months on from my last session, I can honestly say I still feel the benefits of the discussions and energy work, and in particular my heightened awareness and belief in my own power.

I would describe it as exceptional coaching, really delving into my own power (whether I was conscious of it or not at the time), and almost magic.  I felt clearer, lighter and quite at peace after the energy sessions with a new resolve each time.

Penny you are a gifted and wonderful healer who practices what you preach.” (Georgina )


“I feel like I yield more power now at the end and that I can very much affect people and situations. I feel like my ability of manifestation is stronger. I feel also like my awareness is stronger and more accurate. Also I feel more confident. I have a gained an inner strength and an ability to make decisions much quicker and with more certainty. It has also made me feel more hopeful about working in my passion area and that it’s not out of my reach. I have also been more active in pursuing my decisions and much stronger in my opinions.” (S.S)


"I gained freedom, relaxation, aligned my mental state and increased my awareness. Can't get better than that!" (T.M)


"I'm more aware of things, I feel like I'm cleansing things that were dormant. There have been massive realisations around a lot of things and I feel like I'm taking responsibility. I actually feel as though I don't want to waste time anymore ." (Arthur)


"I don't have all the emotional attachments like I used to. I feel so much stronger. I feel 'right' (trusting what I think and feel), therefore more in control of my life and not buffeted by the waves. More able to create the life I want. I feel I have the power now - my OWN power... I deserve power like anyone else!" (Fiona)